Swoo Rugby Has The Number 1 Song On Roovet Sound Platform

Roovet Sound Roovet Sound · 3 years ago · 1410 views
Swoo Rugby Song ''I Will " Hits #1 On Roovet Sound Platform
Swoo Rugby Has The Number 1 Song On Roovet Sound Platform

After the release of the track "I Will" on the Roovet Sound platform, A music platform for up incoming artist Swoo Rugby went to the top of the list in no time. According to Roovet Local & International Corporation his song is very popular in India. Swoo Rugby song "I Will" was originally recorded released by Empire Entertainment In 2012 during his time signed to the record label. The song was performed once in Copiague, New York at the Mist Bar, Respekt Ova and Shagusto opened up for him with the song workout. As a artist Swoo Rugby has advanced his art and most will say he's currently on a different level than he was back than. His music can be found on YouTube, SoundCloud and other music platforms as well.


Swoo Rugby mostly uploads his music to the SoundCloud platform and his music downloads can be found there. Swoo Rugby has become a incredible artist within the last 10 years after making the song I Will. The Roovet Sound platform is currently considered to be a new music platform that allows unsigned and underground artist to put there music out to the world. Roovet Sound platform Is not just for Hip Hop artist like Swoo Rugby, Roovet offers more than 21 different music genres. This gives many different artist a platform top list there music free or for sell and also get paid by the number of plays there song gets.


Looking at the success Swoo Rugby has had with the song "I Will" on Roovet Sound music platform. Most users overlook the fact that he has more song on the platform. It goes without question that R&B artist are a site favorite worldwide and we love to see artist putting out new music everyday. We would like to see more music from Swoo Rugby in the future.

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