Born and raised in Amityville, Long island to a single mother of three .Roy-al's music interest began at a very young age influenced by the passion of soul legends such as Otis Redding ,Percy sledge etc. became his refuge from a childhood that revolved around misplaced anger as he would soon discover..Known for his Smooth delivery and vicious but enlightening word play Roy-al continues to be noted as one of the best lyricist of his time. With no shortage of creativity and a work ethic compared only to the late great 2pac Shakur Roy-al seems to garuntee a promising impact in hiphop...Roy-al is a acronym which stands for "Respekt Ova Your Artificial Love ) which explains his preference of being respected as an artist contrary to artificially loved. Bewteen the years of 2012-2015 Respekt Ova released 4 Mixtape albums on "dat piff" "Bury Me standin(2012)"(soulful of Deuce(2012), Katch 22 (2013)1N (2015) and his latest release" Real Kingz Dont Die". Credited as one of the first to popularize the term "Neez" Respekt Ova has also went in partnership with a longtime childhood friend to launch the "Neez Vision"( clothing line.. ..alot of artist are simply loved for the moment..this artist chooses "Respekt Ova Your Artificial Love "
"How can you love someone but not respect them? U cant force the world to love you but if you are great at what you do..then they will respect it" -Roy-al-.
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